Latest in Alternative Healthcare backed by Traditional Medicine

 Welcome to the Beverly Hills Wellness Center!
  "Your Colon Hydrotherapy and Detox Specialist"

   Edgar A. Guess Jr., MD, FACOG
   Medical Director

328 South Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, CA. 90212
(310) 284-8891
(800) 311-9202


Body Wrapping
Boost Immunity
Cardiovascular Disease
Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonics)
Constipation & Gastrointestinal      Disorders
Detox Programs
Diabetes Management
Fight Cancer
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Infrared Sauna
Massage Therapy
Prostate Care & Virility
Raw Juice Detox
Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine
Weightloss Wellness Programs

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     Professionals Only


The Beverly Hills Wellness Center’s management is overseen by the medical award winning Dr. Guess.  With over 30 years of management experience in areas such as diabetes, Dr. Guess contributes amazing in-site on alternative and traditional wellness management.

Curbs Sugar Appetite

What about those sugar cravings you try your best to ignore? Proper glucose levels in the body are important for two reasons: 1. they contribute to the health of the metabolic and endocrine systems, and 2. they support your best weight management efforts. Eating right and pumping iron at the gym is great; but if you’re succumbing to the sugar munchies late at night, it will be hard to get ahead of the game.

Gurmar from 4Life® features one powerful ingredient—gurmar, or gymnema sylvestre. An herb that has enjoyed a long history of use throughout the world, particularly in India, gurmar provides important support to help maintain normal, healthy glucose levels. It also fits perfectly into any weight management program. Gurmar from 4Life will complement your exercise and dietary reform efforts by helping to curb your appetite for sugar.

Key Points

  • Supports Normal, Healthy Glucose Levels: Gurmar is well known for its ability to, reduce sugar cravings. Gurmar also slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Likewise, once it has reached the bloodstream, Gurmar helps support the efficient utilization of glucose throughout the body.
  • Supports Weight Management: While you can never completely cut sugar from your diet, Gurmar gives your body an effective tool to control those often-powerful cravings. Added to healthy eating and a sensible exercise plan, Gurmar can be just what your body ordered.

Did you know?

Gurmar is native to tropical regions in India. In Hindu, the word gurmar literally means “sugar destroyer.” People of India traditionally chewed on the gymnema sylvestre leaves to help control sugar cravings.

Technical Points

  • Most of what you eat is broken down into glucose, the main source of energy for your body. Healthy metabolic and endocrine systems enable your body utilize the glucose from food in the most efficient way.