Latest in Alternative Healthcare backed by Traditional Medicine

 Welcome to the Beverly Hills Wellness Center!
  "Your Colon Hydrotherapy and Detox Specialist"

   Edgar A. Guess Jr., MD, FACOG
   Medical Director

328 South Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, CA. 90212
(310) 284-8891
(800) 311-9202
3 - Day Detox Raw Juice Fast  


Body Wrapping
Boost Immunity
Cardiovascular Disease
Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonics)
Constipation & Gastrointestinal      Disorders
Detox Programs
Diabetes Management
Fight Cancer
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Infrared Sauna
Massage Therapy
Prostate Care & Virility
Raw Juice Detox
Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine
Weightloss Wellness Programs

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Physicians & Healthcare
     Professionals Only


This is a three day juice fast consisting of fresh raw juices designed to help rid your body of toxins, which will help you feel amazing! Each day includes a combination of 2 fruit juices, 2 vegetable juices, 1 nutmilk, lemon/lime-ade or coconut water. A total of six - 16 oz. bottles of juice per day for a total of 18 bottles during a three day fast. Included are guidelines for the fast, as well as instructions on how to break your fast properly. Our toll free 800 number is provided in case you have questions or concerns.

A 6-day detox is also available!

Also see DETOX Program